A downloadable game for Windows

SOURCE CODE: https://github.com/wyvernbw/dead-men-scale-no-towers

Dead Men Scale No Towers

Is a bouldering inspired precision platformer about scaling a sky scraping spire. Made in 96h and submission to the GMTK  2024 Game Jam, heavily inspired by Celeste. Conquer new heights using your climbing prowess and handy pitons.

List of features I inevitably ran out of time to implement:

- A tutorial (Check below).

- A bunch more dialogue.

- An ending sequence.

- A wizard.

- More levels.

- A main menu and pause menu.

"Tutorials are for chumps", Enter The Gungeon

Right Click/E - Throw Piton

Left Click - Wall Grab / Climb

WASD/← ↑ ↓→  - Move

Space - Jump

### Music

Melomane Records: The High SocietyCrazy Monkey


dead-men-scale-no-towers.exe 148 MB

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